President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Nationwide elections began in Russia yesterday, as a result of which the composition of many regional legislative assemblies and local governments will be determined, and regional heads will be elected in 21 constituent entities, including Moscow.
Elections are a direct expression of citizens’ will an opportunity to influence the future of your city, town and country, and to empower the people you trust and who will represent and defend your interests as part of the government bodies.
I ask all citizens of the regions where the elections are taking place to participate in them, especially since the voting procedure in our country is organised in such a way as to make it as comfortable as possible. This includes the three-day work of the polling stations, and a chance to cast an online ballot.
Electronic elections get more popular every year, expanding their geography. More and more voters trust and use this tool.
I hope that each and every one of you will take an active civil stand.
Thank you.