The 640 megawatt generating unit was commissioned after reconstruction. This brings the total working capacity of the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Station to 5120 megawatt. Currently in operation are generating units 1 and 4–10.
The Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Station, built in 1978–1985, is one of the largest in the country. The shore spillway was erected in 2005–2010. In 2009, the biggest accident in the history of energy production in Russia took place there. The station is to be fully restored this year.
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See also
Director of Rushydro Affiliate Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Station Valery Kyari: Good afternoon, Mr President.
May I report?
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: I believe the reconstruction and restoration work after the accident is finished and the station is entering a new phase of technological upgrade.
Mr Kyari, go ahead, please.
Valery Kyari: The reconstruction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Station has entered its final stage. All project work is proceeding on schedule. Seven new generating units are in operation at the station now, with a total capacity of 4480 megawatt.
Today we are ready to launch the eighth generating unit, unit №4. It has been tested and is now ready to operate on-load as part of the system.
Mr President, give permission to launch generating unit №4.
Vladimir Putin: Mr Kyari, I understand that this unit is to replace the one that was restored and in operation, is that right?
Valery Kyari: Absolutely correct.
Vladimir Putin: So it is a planned replacement of operating equipment, isn’t it?
Valery Kyari: It is.
Vladimir Putin: Please proceed, Mr Kyari.
Valery Kyari: Mr President, we are to commission the ninth generating unit in July, and in October we will launch the last one. This will complete the restoration and reconstruction of the station, and it will be done slightly ahead of schedule.
The generating unit has been launched and is gaining capacity.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, I see. Congratulations to you, to power equipment engineers and to the entire staff.
Mr Kyari, how do you assess the state of the station on the whole? How is it functioning? Do you have any questions or problems? Here we have people who have been involved in the reconstruction right from the start and will take part in its development. You have a unique opportunity to address everyone and tell them what you think of the prospects.
Valery Kyari: Any problems that arise are addressed on the spot. Restoration and reconstruction are proceeding successfully, and, as I have said, on schedule. Therefore, there are no unresolved issues here.
Vladimir Putin: Good. Once again, I congratulate you and wish you every success.
Valery Kyari: Thank you.