Mr Naryshkin informed the President that his instruction on anti-corruption measures has been carried out. Two executive orders have been drafted on procedures for verifying the fullness and accuracy of information declared by federal civil servants and chief executives of state corporations and funds on their and their family members’ income and property, and also for verifying similar declarations made by candidates for federal office.
Written information provided by the law enforcement agencies, tax services, political parties, national public organisations and the Russian Public Chamber will serve as the basis for verification.
Mr Medvedev said at the meeting that he has signed these two executive orders.
The President noted that this is serious work requiring preparation from government and state bodies’ human resources departments and from the organisations that can request that verification be carried out.
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President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev: As part of the work on the package of anti-corruption measures, I asked you to draft presidential executive orders on the procedures for civil servants’ appointment and verifying the fullness and accuracy of the declarations they provide. To be more precise, this concerns not only civil servants but also those wishing to become civil servants or take federal office as ministers and so forth.
As I understand it, the documents are ready now and I would like to hear about the essence of what you propose.
Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive office Sergei Naryshkin: The presidential executive orders you signed requiring civil servants and senior officials at state corporations and funds to submit declarations of their and their family members’ incomes and property entered into force in May. In accordance with your instruction we drafted two more executive orders stipulating the procedures for verifying the fullness and accuracy of the information provided in these declarations.
Dmitry Medvedev: Who will do the verifying?
Sergei Naryshkin: Government and state bodies’ human resource departments will be responsible for this work. Written information provided by the law enforcement agencies, tax services, political parties, national public organisations and the Russian Federation Public Chamber will serve as the grounds for carrying out verification.
Verification cannot be carried out on the basis of anonymous information.
Dmitry Medvedev: So, it is upon the request of the law enforcement agencies, the Public Chamber, or state bodies that verification of the fullness and accuracy of civil servants’ declarations begins.
Sergei Naryshkin: The declarations of civil servants or of candidates for the post…
Dmitry Medvedev: Or of people wanting to become civil servants, that is, seeking appointment to a given post. Based on the verification’s results, what are the decisions that can follow?
Sergei Naryshkin: The human resources services inform the person who appointed the civil servant in question to the post, or…
Dmitry Medvedev: Or plans to make such appointment.