President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends,
It is exactly 100 days before the first Games of the Future, a major, action-packed, and of course, unique sports event takes place.
The very idea of uniting classic sports and cybersports reflects the image of Russia that is open to everything new, aimed at progress and at the same time able to harmonically combine its original heritage and modernity. The participants and guests of the Games of the Future will be able to see this for themselves when they come to Kazan: a city where different traditions and cultures are developing and enriching each other.
Russia understands very well the value of diversity, including in sport. Sport means so much more to us than just a competition of strength or skill or the foundation of a healthy and active lifestyle. Sport is a symbol and an embodiment of justice, equality and humanism, a way to promote understanding between countries and nations.
The fundamental importance of sport and the principles of Olympism form the very philosophy of the Games of the Future, which were born in Russia. The Games of the Future have already united representatives from 50 states. And this, of course, is only the beginning.
There is no doubt that the upcoming tournament will resonate with millions of people and clearly demonstrate that the harmonisation of intellect and physical perfection is one of the absolute priorities of the emerging multipolar world.
Friends, it is symbolic that 100 days before the start of the Games of the Future is marked at the site of the Russia international exhibition and forum, where the country’s advanced achievements are presented. We really have something to be proud of in industry, science, culture, sports, and of course, in digital technology, where Russia continues to strengthen its status. The Games of the Future, a fundamentally new sports tournament based on the beauty of traditional sports and the most advanced innovative breakthroughs, are a proof of this.
I invite everyone to take part in this unique multisport event. See you in Kazan!