President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends,
Please accept my greetings on the start of the International Youth Industrial Forum Engineers of the Future.
The forum has brought together young engineers, researchers, technologists, university students and postgraduates, representatives of public organisations from the majority of Russian regions and a number of foreign countries.
It is symbolic that the forum is taking place in Tula, which has always been famous for its masters, dynasties of workers, engineers and gunsmiths.
Human resources potential largely determines the steady development of the domestic industry today, increasing its competitive advantages, strengthening its positions both on the domestic and global markets, and successfully fulfilling such key tasks as strengthening the country's security, economic and technological sovereignty.
This is why it is so important that more and more young professionals – competent, knowledgeable, creative and forward-thinking, ready to take responsibility and offer non-standard solutions – come to work for our companies.
It is these young people, experienced professionals and our production teams that have ensured the stable operation of Russian industry and its development in the conditions of major external challenges and achieved growth in the output of civil and defence products, which are vital for the country.
I would like to stress that the development and modernisation of industry is our unconditional priority. We will continue to promote the introduction of the latest technology, digital solutions and cutting-edge environmental standards, and will work together with businesses, regions and the scientific community to update vocational education, training and retraining curricula, including for such basic, backbone industries as machine building, ship and aircraft building, machine-tool and instrument building, robotics and electronics, manufacturing of industrial and power equipment.
This is the industry of the future, as well as a huge space for self-fulfilment and professional growth.
I wish success to all young people who work at our enterprises and plants, and of course to today's graduates of schools, universities, colleges and technical schools who intend to engage in real production and to work in Russia’s industrial sector.
Forum participants,
You have a content-filled and busy programme ahead of you, including discussions, presentations, roundtables with CEOs of major corporations, scientists and politicians, as well as many other interesting educational, business, sports and cultural events.
I would like to thank the Russian Union of Machine Builders, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the League of Assistance to Defence Industry Enterprises association, Rostec Corporation and other domestic companies for their contribution to organising this forum.
I am sure it will contribute to the development of human resources potential in the leading sectors of Russian industry, enhance the reputation and prestige of engineering and industrial professions, and, of course, make it possible to strengthen partnership relations and launch new joint projects.
I wish all the participants and guests of the forum fruitful work and success.