President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj: Mr President,
This year, we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of our joint victory at the river Khalkin-Gol. The relations between our countries, between Mongolia and Russia, have stood the test of time and history’s events.
Our relations have withstood the passing years and the difficult events they have brought. We have friendly relations. I wish you a warm welcome and express my thanks.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, thank you very much for the invitation.
It is a great honour and pleasure to visit Mongolia and be here with our friends. We do have longstanding and very deep and solid ties that have indeed been forged by our joint achievements and the events we have traversed together.
One of the events that stands out particularly in this chronicle is the military brotherhood forged in the battle against the invaders at the river Khalkin-Gol, and today we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of this victory.
But this is not the only thing that binds the peoples of Mongolia and the Russian Federation. We have many ties and contacts that bring us together and experience of work together over the course of many decades. I know that the Mongolian people have special feelings towards Russia. I want to assure you that we in Russia feel the same way about Mongolia and the Mongolian people.
I am very pleased to have this opportunity to visit Mongolia and discuss with you the full range of our relations and continue the discussions that we have pursued over these recent times.
Once more, thank you very much for the invitation.