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President of China Hu Jintao (re-translated): Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, friends,
It is a great pleasure to see you here.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and I have just completed our trust-based, in-depth and fruitful discussions, during which we exchanged views on the development of bilateral relations and topical international and regional issues of interest to both our countries. We have reached agreement on a wide range of issues in the course of the talks.
We have signed a joint statement on further deepening Chinese-Russian relations and comprehensive, equitable, trust-based interaction and strategic partnership, and have witnessed the signing of important documents on cooperation.
We appreciate the steps to boost the positive, thriving and stable development of Chinese-Russian relations scheduled for this year. We emphasise that we will continue to consider the development of Chinese-Russian relations as one of our country’s top foreign policy priorities, remain committed to boosting the pace of the Chinese-Russian relations and bring our strategic partnership and comprehensive cooperation to new heights.
We believe that our central task is to implement the Chinese-Russian development programme in the new decade. It is essential to fully take advantage of close top-level contacts between our two countries, as well as intergovernmental and interagency cooperation mechanisms, and constantly strengthen mutual support.
We will deepen comprehensive cooperation and boost Chinese-Russian centuries-old friendship, strengthen strategic coordination in international affairs and more actively promote our common development and prosperity, thereby ensuring peace, security and stability in the region and the entire world.
We agreed that it is necessary, given the new conditions of internal development and the global economic environment, to take advantage of our countries’ economic complementarity, optimise the structure of trade and economic cooperation and improve its quality.
In this regard, the parties will implement the Chinese-Russian investment cooperation plan, expand investment, will be constantly guided by the principle of equality and joint benefits, deepen cooperation in oil and gas, nuclear energy, electricity, in the use of alternative sources of energy and establish strategic cooperation in the energy sector.
We will also interact in the sphere of high technology and innovation, and accelerate the modernisation of production facilities engaged in cooperation on major strategic projects to improve the international competitiveness of our economies. We will also promote cooperation in cross-border infrastructure projects for rapid development of our border areas.
I am confident that as a result of our joint efforts trade will increase to $100 billion by 2015 and $200 billion by 2020.
We have decided to further deepen Chinese-Russian cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, and have agreed to intensify efforts on an action plan for cultural cooperation in the new decade. Special attention will be given to youth contacts. We will actively implement the plans for the visit of 300 Moscow State University students to China this year, as well as conduct consultations on a plan of youth delegations exchange over the next five years.
We agreed to strengthen cooperation in defence, law enforcement and security. The parties will use all channels and platforms that will take cooperation between our armed forces to a new level. It is also necessary to create a mechanism for interstate cooperation in law enforcement and security on the basis of existing intergovernmental ties to provide more effective coordination and cooperation in this field.
We agreed that the strengthening of Chinese-Russian cooperation in international and regional affairs helps to protect our common interests and promote peace, security and stability in the region and the world.
”China is a strategic partner of the Russian Federation. In the political sphere, we have attained the highest level of mutual trust: we provide firm support to each other on key issues affecting the vital interests of our two nations.“
Taking into account the complex and rapidly changing international and regional situation, our two countries will pay special attention to cooperation within the UN, SCO, BRICS, and G20, and uphold the objectives and principles stated in the UN Charter and basic norms governing international relations to promote solidarity and cooperation between countries with emerging economies and developing countries in order to promote a more equitable and rational development of international political and economic order.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, the Chinese-Russian strategic partnership has approached a new historical stage. Together with Russia, we are ready to adopt a strategic and long-term approach to the development of our relations in the light of the situation in general, and raise them to ever new levels.
Thank you for your attention.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: President Hu Jintao, ladies and gentlemen,
First of all, I want to say that I am very happy to be visiting friendly Beijing once again. I am grateful to President Hu Jintao for the business-like and at the same time warm and sincere atmosphere in which we worked today.
China is a strategic partner of the Russian Federation. Our relations in all fields are built on a mutually beneficial basis with a high degree of trust and openness.
In the political sphere, we have attained the highest level of mutual trust: we provide firm support to each other on key issues affecting the vital interests of our two nations.
Our trade and economic ties are reaching new heights. Today, we have signed about twenty bilateral agreements in key areas of cooperation: the energy, industry, banking, aviation and innovation technology.
We have already mentioned that the trade increased by 40% in 2011. There is no doubt that by 2015–2020 we will reach entirely new heights, as Mr Hu said.
We welcome the active participation of Chinese partners in the Russian technoparks and special economic zones, as well as research and innovation centres. We are ready to further boost interregional cooperation, intensify the programme of cooperation between the Russian Far East, Eastern Siberia and Northeast China.“
We will diversify trade, increase mutual investments, launch new infrastructure and hi-tech projects and develop direct contacts between the regions and business communities.
All our agreements are being implemented. This applies to the fuel and energy sphere, where our work includes hydrocarbons, the power industry, nuclear energy and renewable energy. Significant progress has been made in almost all of these areas.
We agreed to accelerate our efforts on creating a long-range widebody aircraft and heavy helicopters, to continue the implementation of joint programmes in space, and to advance a number of other key projects in high technology sectors.
We welcome the active participation of Chinese partners in the Russian technoparks and special economic zones, as well as research and innovation centres. We are ready to further boost interregional cooperation, intensify the programme of cooperation between the Russian Far East, Eastern Siberia and Northeast China. We have adopted such a programme until 2018.
Bilateral humanitarian contacts are also expanding. Very successful reciprocal national years and language years were held in 2009 and 2010, respectively. A new promising endeavour has been launched: the years of tourism exchange.
I hope that at the expert level, our colleagues will propose many new initiatives that will widen the opportunities for the people in our countries to interact with each other.
Our priorities in this area include the expansion of youth and student contacts. At present Russia has about 18,000 Chinese students and China has 8,000 Russian students. Joint sporting events should also be on our agenda.
Ladies and gentlemen,
”Our countries have consistently advocated the establishment of an equitable world order, uniting the efforts of all states in the fight against modern threats. We intend to increase cooperation in major international organisations including the UN, G20, BRICS and SCO.“
During our meeting, we exchanged views on issues on the global and regional agenda. Our countries have consistently advocated the establishment of an equitable world order, uniting the efforts of all states in the fight against modern threats. These include terrorism, extremism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and large-scale economic crises. To this end, we intend to increase cooperation in major international organisations including the UN, G20, BRICS and SCO. We will work actively in multilateral associations of the Asia-Pacific region.
We believe our joint initiative to strengthen security in the Asia-Pacific region plays an important role and will support the relationship between our defence agencies. We support the formation of an open and equitable security and cooperation architecture in the region based on the principles of international law.
We had a useful exchange of views on the situation in the Middle East, North Africa, on the Korean Peninsula, the Iranian nuclear programme and other relevant issues.
I will stress once again that our positions are close, consonant, and most importantly, we have reached a high level of coordination in order to make an effective contribution to settling international crises and problems.
The partnership between Russia and China will continue to actively develop for the benefit of our nations, and today is a good example of building truly friendly and good neighbourly relations.
Thank you for your attention.